This letter was written on October 6, 2008 and what has Todd heard from the President of the SBC and Jerry Vines... "Crickets"
That in itself is very telling about these two men...
You can read Todd's letter here: Calvinism in the SBC- An Open Letter to Johnny Hunt and Jerry Vines
Also we have learned that both the Founders Ministries and Rc Sproul's Legonier Ministries requested booth space at this conference and were turned down. What does the President of the SBC have to say about this extremely un-courteous if not openly hostile behavior by either the staff of First Baptist Church Woodstock Georgia or the staff of Jerry Vines Ministries? Whichever staff was handling this event Johnny Hunt is responsible as it was held at his Church under his authority.
The more we learn about this John 3:16 Conference the more one must question the wisdom of all those Calvinist who voted for Dr. Hunt to become President of the SBC?
Grace Always
I just wanted to let you know that I woke up this morning to find that my blog had been deactivated because of copyright infringement, one would assume over the conference audio files. As you may have noticed I had already moved to take down these files and so this is a little irritating to me. I am disappointed that the powers that be behind the John 3.16 Conference would move to do such a thing without even having the integrity to contact me first. Please spread the word about this as you see fit. Thanks.
I appears that I have regained my site, but I was right that it had come from someone accusing me of direct linking to the product being sold by Jerry Vines Ministries at $50 a piece. It's unfortunate that personal gain and fear of accountability has taken us away from reaching out to contact our brothers before going to the authorities, which is the essence of 1 Corinthians 6.
It would appear that they have time to report you to the authorities... but no time to answer your letter. Perhaps the reason they did not contact you is because they truly do not consider you a "brother"?
Their whole conduct in this matter from the planning right up to this has been questionable to say the least.
It is probably for the best that these sermons are not open for all to hear… (note, I have not heard a single one of them yet) but from what others report this conference was a “move away from the Gospel” and an embracing of the heresy of Semi-Pelagianism.
Grace Always,
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