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Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Voddie Baucham on The SBC and Calvinism

Voddie Baucham has posted an article titled “The SBC and Calvinism: A Personal Perspective”.

Voddie writes of his fall from grace with the powers that be within the SBC “I was still part of the gang. That is, until I came out of the closet. No... I’m not gay. It’s far worse than that. I’m a Calvinist! That’s right, I’m a fire-breathing, TULIP believing, five-point Calvinist. That, my friends, is the unpardonable sin in contemporary Southern Baptist life…”

If you still believe that there is not a war being waged by the powers that be in the SBC against the Calvinist of the convention then don’t take my word for it… go read Voddie’s article for yourself.

Grace Always,


Anonymous said...

Brother Greg,
I was thrilled and glad after reading Voddie's blog.

I am so glad that God is moving across racial barriers.
Another black Brother believing in The Doctrines of Grace, and preaching them is John Fletcher, Chattanooga, Tn.

He will be at the bible conference in March at Georgetown Baptist in Chunchila, Al [Mobile county].

It's a Sovereign grace southern Baptist Bible Conference. It starts the first Wednesday after the first Sunday in march and runs through Sunday. Lodging and meals are provided free.

Unknown said...

Anon Brother,

Yes, I am excited by what God is going across racial and denomination lines...

Can you get me some more information on this Sovereign Grace Southern Baptist Bible Conference in March?
