I have mixed feeling concerning the issue of allowing the unfettered building of mosques in this nation.
My first concern is that the vast majority of mosques being built all over this nation today are not in response to the needs of the Muslim communities that already exist here for a place of worship. But instead they represent nothing less than a massive “Colonization Effort” that is being organized and funded by the wealthy Arab States which are pouring billions of dollars into an effort to “Colonize America”, and over the course of several generations to turn America into a Muslim nation. Throughout history this has been an intrical part of their strategy toward their ultimate goal of bringing about a “Muslim World”. And it is a strategy that has been very successful in binging once fee nations under the yoke of Islam.
Second, and mostly, I have mixed feeling concerning the issue of allowing unfettered building of mosques in this nation, because I am of the opinion that Islam represents the greatest threat to religious liberty that the WORLD, and AMERICA, has ever seen. (I do not make this statement lightly!) If Islam were simply another religion like Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism etc., then I would have no problem with the building of mosques wherever a Muslim community wanted to do so. But Islam is not like any other religion!
Islam is both a religion and a political movement. By its nature Islam is the very antithesis of religious freedom. The experience of nations that have fallen under the yoke of Islam throughout history, as well as the restrictions placed on all other religions by Islamic nations today, proves without any doubt this to be universally true. Islamic governments are often brutally intolerant toward anyone who attempts to bring another religion into their country. So, there is little to convince me that if Islam were ever to became the dominate religion of this nations that our religious freedoms would long survive.
Therefore, I have mixed feeling concerning the issue of allowing the unfettered building of mosques in this nation. If it were simply a community of faith building a house of worship, and not an organized effort by foreign Muslim governments to “Colonize America”, I would not be concerned at all. However, that is not what we see happening before our very eyes today; and Islam must be recognized for what it is. Islam is both a religion and a political movement. The two cannot be separated. It is for this reason that Islam represents the greatest danger to religious freedom that American has ever faced, and it is for this reason that Islam simply cannot be treated like just another religion. It is not!
Grace for the Journey,
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