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Tuesday, June 15, 2010

SBC Convention Update

2010 SBC Annual Meeting Update (July 15, 5:20)

The (Southern Baptist) World has changed…

I have been glued to my computer screen all day today watching the live-stream of the 2010 Convention in Orlando, and I thought that I might post on some of what I have seen so far.

There were 10,994 messengers registered (I think I got that number correct, if not I am not off by much.) This number was well up from previous years, and is a good sign. I do not know yet, but it is my suspicion the increased numbers are due to many of the younger generation attending for the first time in many years.

The Great Commission Resurgence Taskforce Recommendation was approved by a majority of the messengers in Orlando. Not being there and no numbers given I do not know by how large of percent this passed. But pass it did! So bring on the naysayers…

There was much (and sometimes passionate) debate and many attempts to modify the recommendations failed, however one amendment to modify the language of recommendation number 3 to basically say that direct giving is to be considered “supplemental to Cooperative Program giving” did pass. This amendment was in reality just semantics and does not change the substance of recommendation number 3 at all. In a powerful display of seeking to preserve the unity of the convention the GCRTF committee itself joined in with the messenger who made the motion to create a compromise language on recommendation number 3 that in the end may very well have won the day for the entire GCRTF Recommendations which went on to pass easily.

First Round of voting on the next President of the SBC:

Bryant Wright 36.84%

Ted Traylor 29.18%

Jimmy Jackson 26%

Leo Endel 6.32%

Wright and Traylor will advance to the second round of voting.

The low-point (and low blow) of today’s proceedings at the convention, was the address by outgoing Executive Committee President, Morris Chapman. Who last year used his time before the convention to bash Calvinism and this year used his time to bash the GCRTF recommendations. One good thing that Morris Chapman said and to which I gave a hearty amen (howbeit in my office) was when he said this would be his “Last Address to the Southern Baptist Convention.” Amen, and Amen!

Morris Chapman should be the poster boy for a campaign to limit the term of anyone serving as Executive Committee President to no more than 8 years.

By the way Frank Page has been elected to be the next Executive Committee President…

Grace Always,


Marvin Merriweather said...


Johnny Hunt, who very likely disagreed with Morris Chapman, commended him during a prayer for speaking his mind. I've heard it was a convention that expressed godly behavior, precisely because people respected people and disagreed with IDEAS.

You, sir, may want to consider following this principle. People, although you may disagree with them, are still PEOPLE. And while I disagree with Morris Chapman about many things, I still refuse to publicly bash him. I prefer to travel the high road and exchange ideas instead of personal criticisms.

By posting what you just posted, you have proven yourself to be no bigger than Morris Chapman.

How sad. And ironic.

Unknown said...


"I prefer to travel the high road and exchange ideas instead of personal criticisms."

Laughing... this coming from someone who has just leveled a very personal criticism of me is just absurd. (I will not post the email you just sent to me... but I did read it)

Have a great day in the Lord...

Dr. James Willingham said...

Dear Greg: Your update was interesting. I have thought that the GCR might become the means to increase the centrifugal forces away from the cooperative program and reduce the centripetal forces of that financial method that has bound Southern Baptists together for so long and through so much. If such should be the case, we will see this great mission program and convention come unglued quicker than the Road Runner's beep beep. If so, it will acomplish the goal of some outside the convention who had long desired to see the biggest mission force in Protestantism destroyed. While we pray for and long for a restoration to a more faithful and biblical theological stance, we also want to see the power of a great financial program sustained, continuing the possibility of a truly great mission force.

Unknown said...

Dr. Willingham,

The very spirit of the Great Commission Resurgence is “Cooperative Missions”. This can be seen by the desire of many in this movement, our new SBC President included, to give sacrificially to the cause of International missions by giving directly to the IMB and leading their churches to get directly involved in missions.

Some may say that the only way to “Cooperate” in the SBC is to give to the Cooperative Program. I disagree… the Cooperative Program is not the SBC. I was very excited to hear our SBC President say yesterday that he would like to see the State Conventions (who control the Cooperative Program) keep only 25% for themselves and send the remainder to the SBC for church planting and missions. If this happens I think you will see a flood of support pouring into the Cooperative Program in the future.

It’s all about fulfilling the Great Commission… at any cost!

Grace Always,

Marvin Merriweather said...


I commented to you in private. You criticized Chapman's character publicly. I know it can be argued that Chapman has done things publicly that are controversial, but that gives you no right to be less than excellent in your public perspective/judgment of his character.

You have the tendency to automatically assume the worst of someone who disagrees with your theology and ecclesiology.

You, my dear brother, have a great day in the Lord as well.

Marvin Merriweather

Unknown said...


In my comments concerning Dr. Chapman’s address at this years, and last years, convention I never once said anything whatsoever about his character. If I had said something toward Dr. Chapman like “You Hypocrite”… (which I did not) that would have been an attack on his character. But to say his address was a low blow and the low point of the convention is not an attack on his character.

Brother Marvin, I do not want to have prolonged debate over this… once again we simply do not agree.

Love you to Brother… Hope you have a good weekend and a great Sunday.

Grace Always,