johnMark has put up a post on Christless Christianity Q and A With Michael Horton
This is another article that should be required reading for all Pastors and Laymen alike in the SBC…
This is another article that should be required reading for all Pastors and Laymen alike in the SBC…
It takes great courage to speak truth in an age of self deception…
The “supposed” Christian man of today is altogether satisfied with himself… He has followed the prescribed rituals of the Church of his choosing, yet with little or no evidence of “a change of heart wrought by the Holy Spirit”. And placing his trust in these man made religious rituals (Walking an isle, praying the sinners prayer, etc.) he comforts himself against the conviction of the Holy Spirit, closes his eyes, and refuses to hear the warnings of the faithful minister of God’s Word. Yes, the voice of God’s faithful Ministers falls on deft ears for; the “supposed” Christian man of today is altogether satisfied with himself…
Give us courage Lord to speak truth in an age of self deception…
Grace Always,
So...how many pastors would get voted out of their pulpit if they spoke with such boldness?
I'd say...but I only have 10 fingers to count on. :)
In response to johnMark, does it matter if we understand that God is the ONE in control - 1Pe 3:17 For it is better to suffer for doing good, if that should be God's will, than for doing evil. - 1Pe 4:19 Therefore let those who suffer according to God's will entrust their souls to a faithful Creator while doing good. Let us go back to Scripture and get a better understanding of God's Sovereignty. Look at Acts and see the the boldness of Steven and see God's plan. Larry
Mark has expressed what is the sad reality in the vast majority of Churches in America today. Namely, if a faithful Pastor boldly speaks Biblical Truth he better have his bags packed.
You have added the Biblical Truth that ultimately God is in control. Which leads me to ask, if God is leading his faithful Pastors to boldly speak Biblical Truth knowing that they will be ejected from their pulpits; is God not actually removing his faithful Pastors from these Churches?
And if God is removing his faithful Pastors, where shall they go? Should they take this as God’s leading them abandon these old churches (which young pastors are doing in record numbers) to start new works. And if a church has ejected it former Pastor from his pulpit should not a Pastor be most careful before he accepts a call to this church, least he find that he has accepted a call to a church that God has abandoned?
Bringing the sovereignty of into this discussion brings up a host of interesting questions, does it not?
Grace Always,
My last comment should have read:
"Bringing the sovereignty of God into this discussion..."
Grace Always,
Greg - I believe that Jesus builds His Church, as I know you do. Do these young Pastors not know the position the Church has on this before he takes a pulpit? If what you say about a Church being abandoned by God is true, someone has to decide this. Today we as reformed men, are reluctant to say things so straight forward. I understand the need to be understanding but 1&2 Peter warns of false teachers, we are reluctant to say that these Churches have been under false teaching. The folks in the pews should be lead by the Holy Spirit to the truth so where does the fault lie. Another question? All I am know is that a correct knowledge of the sovereignty of God helps to cope with these problems.
1Co 3:6 I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth.
1Co 3:7 So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth.
1Co 3:8 He who plants and he who waters are one, and each will receive his wages according to his labor.
1Co 3:9 For we are God's fellow workers. You are God's field, God's building.
The man in the pulpit is to instruct, or equip folks in the pew for service.
Though he must boldly proclaim the truth, God's man must speak the truth in love.
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