I know you did not give the six large boxes of books in order to receive the praise of man...
But I would be remiss if I did not tell you how much of a blessing your gift of these books is to our small fellowship of believers.
The Elders have been pouring over them like little children on Christmas morning… time and time again I have heard the word “Wow” escape their (and my) lips as we eagerly dig into another box.
Your generosity in being willing to give away what clearly cost you a significant amount of time and money to acquire is very humbling to me and all our Elders. You have challenged each of us to examine our attachment to the things of this world (and that is a good thing for all Christians to do from time to time).
The timing of your gift (within just a few days of our bookcases being installed for our new Library) is nothing less than God’s affirmation of our decision to start a Library ministry for those under our care. Please know that most, if not everything, you have given will be a blessing to our church for many years to come.
Thank you so much!
Pastor Greg
One note that will add significance to this post is for me to let you know that the donor of these books is not a member of our church, lives in another city, and to my knowledge had no idea that we had recently started a library ministry.
Grace Always,
Nothing compares to the providential care of God. What a blessing.
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