Google To Donate $11.5 Million To Fight Slavery | Fox News:
Tech giant Google is donating $11.5 million to organizations fighting to end the slavery of 27 million people around the world.
It is believed to be the largest corporate grant ever devoted to the intervention and rescue of people being held, forced to work or provide sex against their will.
Google made the announcement Wednesday as part of its $40 million, end-of-year charitable donations. In total, the tech company donated more than $100 million in 2011.
Anti-slavery organizations International Justice Mission, the Polaris Project and Slavery Footprint will receive the bulk of the latest grant.
Much of their work will be focused on helping people being forced to work against their will or trafficked in India, as well as raising awareness about the issue here in the U.S.
In the aftermath of the "War of Northern Aggression" (U.S. Civil War) the Victors sought to justify their invasion and total destruction of the Old South, including the death of more Americans than all those who would died in both World wars, Korea, and Vietnam combined, by telling themselves and the world that this devastating (and completely unnecessary) war was fought to free the slaves in the South.
The truth of history has proven this to be a great lie, yet our New Masters in Washington continue to this very day to defend their actions during and following the U.S. Civil War as necessary to free the slaves in the South. If this were indeed the truth, that the invasion of the South and death of 500,000 Americans, was justified by the freeing of the Southern Slaves (for many slaves in the north remained slaves until their death many years after the end of the war) then I ask you "Where is the outcry from our Masters in Washington over the 27 MILLION held in slavery around the world today?"
Our Masters in Washington are willing to spend Billions and Billions to fight a war on terror... and yet they are unwilling to lift even one finger to free the staggering number of 27 MILLION people that are held in slavery around the world today. Why is this so???
In case you have not noticed Friends, I am through drinking the politically correct Cool-Aid... and while others may remain silent when it comes to defending the honor and integrity of the Christian Men and Women of the Old South, I will not.
If you have not read the old book "A Defense of Virginia and the South" by R.L. Dabney, published by Sprinkle Publications I encourage you to do so... It will go a very long way in enlightening you to the truth on this issue... and in the process you just might gain some insight into the gross abuse of power that we see on a daily basis in Washington today.
Grace for the Journey,